HF Receiver Mark I
My first attempt at building a decent classical analog shortwave receiver which covers 10 kHz to 30 MHz in a single band, and demodulates AM as well as SSB.
HF Receiver Mark II
A much improved version of the Mark I shortwave receiver that again follows classical lines, now with a decent frontend, preselector, an FM demodulator, and with an improved user interface.
Characterizing a SMA calibration kit
I obtained a cheap SMA calibration kit without correction coefficients, this is how I characterized it.
TRL Calibration
Thru-Reflect-Line calibration of a VNA with the requisite calibration standards on a PCB, together with test fixtures to characterize components.
Medium power RF amplifier
A medium power broadband RF Amplifier, mainly intended for laboratory use, with a frequency range from 10 MHz to 500 MHz, and capable of delivering an output power of about 1W.
CW Signal generators
Two simple single-board CW signal generators: One experimental one based on the Analog Devices ADF4351 IC, and an improved version based on the Texas Instruments LMX2582 IC, both with precise level control and harmonic filter.
Another RF signal generator with LMX2582 and a DDS
An improved version of the signal generator based on the Texas Instruments LMX2582 IC, with a wider frequency range, better calibration facilities, and a faster MCU.
An active 10 GHz frequency tripler
A simple connectorized active frequency tripler module based on a Mini-Circuits part, with good fundamental suppression and low conversion loss.
Noise figure measurements
The measurement of noise figure and gain of RF and microwave components with a spectrum analyzer and a noise source.
GNSS Time and frequency receiver
A GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO) which also provides a pulse-per-second signal aligned with the GNSS time scale, and hence can be called a time and frequency receiver.